What is R-25?

R-25 is born with the mission of making networking accessible to everyone, and the vision of a worldwide network interconnected by people, not machines.

That is when the concept of Networking Agency takes shape.

R-25 Media was born as the idea of a Start Up Accelerator based in Hertzeliyya.

We sign our first partnership with Bata Group. An Israeli Start Up in the field of Infrastructure Security.

The funding round fails, but networking itself was successful. The idea comes to mind – We take a break to redefine our model.

We relaunch R-25 in Amsterdam as a Networking agency for Businesses.

We are growing with new clients and projects. We get nominated to the Benelux Enterprise Awards from EU Business News magazine.

Who We Are?

Our team is formed of experienced professionals in different fields in the business world. We combine our methods to maximize your exposure and make it efficient in the area you need the most:

Ashley Usiskin

Ashley Usiskin

Communication Advisor

Master of Help. With Background in Psyclogy and Sport and an extensive Business Developement career. Ashley specializes in building a strong and efficient company culture where all employees feel supported by help. His approach focuses in fixing communication issues and improving internal networks.

Dario Wildbaum

Dario Wildbaum

Founder & CEO

Background in Business Developement and Sales. Comunication and Networking Expert. Dario is a highly analitical business strategist. Dario’s visionary and unique analysis will uncover your business full potential though unlocking the power of networking and generating real & valuable connections

Gabe Haymes

Gabe Haymes

Technical Advisor

Background in Chemistry and Material Engineering. Specialty in Microelectronics. Sales & Retention Expert. Gabe’s passion for business, and his meticulous approach makes him perfect to identify opportunities we would miss otherwise. His point of view guarantees attention to detail and technical perspective.

So how can we help you?

R-25 represents achieving goals. R-25 represents edge. R-25 represents rapidness.

The best way to know how can we cooperate is to have a conversation. We can help you find your way through different challenges like advertising, marketing, fundraising or mentoring.